Man with a Mission

Monday, July 17, 2006

Next Steps

Well now that I have healed from the surgery the next steps have been scheduled. I will begin chemo and radiation treatments on June 25th. I will have radiation treatments Monday through Friday and take the chemo pill 7 days a week. This treatment will last for 6 weeks so the count down can now begin. The last treatment will be Sept 5th. Just in time for Brian and Kerris wedding I'm standing up in. YEAH!!!!!

The side effects from what I hear will be fatigue, possible nausea, and about the 4 or 5th week loss of some hair, but should grow back. Ok yes I was losing my hair any ways you can stop laughing now. To be honest I believe I will have little to no side effects, besides the hair loss. My ability to heal quick and my stubborn streak to do anything besides sit on the couch will come in handy.

After the treatments are done I plan to return back to work around mid to late september. I will still have to contine the chemo for about 1 year. How much chemo I have to take will depend on which group I'm put in. I have regestered for a study at the Froedtert Hospital. The difference between the 2 groups is one group gets the standard chemo pill for 5 days every 4 weeks. The second group will recive the the chemo pill for 21 days every 3 or 4 weeks.

Well that is the game plan. I will try to update the blog at least once a week to let everyone know how the treatments are going and to let you know how I'm doing. Until then take care and talk/ see you soon.


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